Your privacy and data protection is also very important for us, be ensured, that your confidential data to nobody else will be shown, sold or published.
We advise you, that data transmission over the Internet (eg. when communicating by e-mail) has security gaps. Complete protection of data against unauthorized access by third parties is not possible and depends on a large part at the customer himself.
Our fetish online store switzerland uses for reasons of security and protection at all transmissions of confidential data, for example requests which you send to us as website owner, a SSL encryption. You can see if there is SSL encryption, when the address-line at your browser changes from http:// to https://, and also at the padlock-symbol. This means also, that nobody else can see, what you are viewing or buying at our onlineshop.
We have DE-ACTIVATED the google-tracking in our shop from beginning!
Note: You are REALLY interested about your privacy? Hmmm... You are at so called "social media" (social is there already a long time nothing anymore) like Facebook, Twitter, other networks, you use WhatsApp and you have a Amazon or Google account? (we would have other "names" for them... and no - google is not a good search engine, only the most-used one... they ONLY let you see results where they get money... and they was good aroud 2010 - but today?)
Then we recommend the Netflix documentation "Cambridge Analytica The Great Hack" and then you can ask yourself, why we as a small online shop here have to make exactly for that giant data-collectors a declaration...(!) If you worry about your privacy & data, we recommend STRONGLY to cancel these apps, "social" media and Amazon & Google accounts immediately.
These "data bugs" use YOUR personal data to manipulate you, sell your data on, or give it to other random companies, which do what they want... we do not! We dont follow you at our website, we don't use analytics to bother you with advertising (and selling it like google-amazon and other's do).
We also recommend URGENTLY to use an open source browser such as Firefox! Reason: The update from Firefix (10/30/19) was SUPER - it is BLOCKING Facebook - Google - Amazon - Ebay and other well known scripts that track YOUR activity! And no - Google is not a good search-engine (was 10 years ago - today they deliver ONLY that search results to you, where they get profit! Or check out for example or
Of course, we need a shipping address as an online shop... If you want to remain most possible anonymous, this goes to a certain limit. If you want to pay in advance and pick it up, the payment must then be made with the same name (if it's true or not ...), if you pay by card, then other rules apply... Name & address must match. We do not use any data from you for other purposes, nor do we sell these. This is ensured by a so-called "social" networks user (social long time not anymore, since no longer socially and especially in the German-speaking area ILLEGAL censoring, more than in North Korea), it is done by the users themselves!
Google and related data giants such as Alexa, Amazon, Ebay (and thus Paypal and Co.) know EXACTLY which toilet paper with which fragrance in which color you bought online over the last years, how long it took you to to purchase over the last X-years, which kind of device used, mobile phone, tablet, laptop and which version of that device with which software, how often you order ... Think about that! And even there it's not finish... they look where you came from and where you are going to, after visit us... IS THAT LEGAL? Yep.. good question, but... in the first sight YES, because YOU signed (probably without reading) the T&C's of them... (included cam-access, friends-list-access, mic-access, messages-access.... THINK!)
Well-intentioned hint from us: Avoid Google and also Bing, use smaller, local search engines like in Switzerland to the or and in Germany or or international activesearchresults. This has an added benefit, except you pull away that unwanted manipulating-power away from them: You will not see the first one-two pages just Amazon advertising paid and sponsored "search results" ... because that is a (money-making( joke! You will also find the desired and usually, and most times for a cheaper price!
AND: Do not do anymore any reviews and polls at platforms where you are logged in, where you have registered, or even those where then more or less annoying come by phone!
Consider also to use a so called VPN service like for example HideMyAss, wich "hides" your IP-address and makes it anonymous.
To other shop-owners, website-owners, dealers and suppliers and victims of Google, Amazon & co.: Feel free to copy this text, it is in your own interest!
Creditcard data
We do not store any creditcard details at our systems, this data is securely processed at WORLDLINE. They have theyr own data-protection declaration.
We send parcels absolutely neutral, without any advertising stickers or -tapes, as sender is only apparent SR E. Schweiz GmbH. There is no other possibillity because of insurance, serveral laws and regulations ! IF this should be a problem for you, consider a pickpost- or poststorage address for the delivery. For shipments to the EU and other countries, the current rules of the authorities apply with an obligation to declare.
Personal data
Your personal data will be stored on our system only for reasons of customer care with the orders at our shop.
We can delete your customer account if you wish, this will automatically delete your data too.
Use of our website
The use and viewing of our website is possible without providing personal informations.
The recording of any personal data (such as name, address or e-mail address, phone-nr.), this is as far as possible on a voluntary base and of course necessary for an order in our online shop. Your IP-address will be saved for your and our legal safety.
These data will not be passed or sold to ANY third party.
If you use our contact-form, the electronic message will be saved and sent to us for processing to be answered. Also these data's will not be given to another party.
Our shop-system uses cookies, which are stored at your internet device. These cookies are small text-files and they are necessary for a proper function and viewing of our website. You can switch off the cookie-function at your device, but then not all functions of our website and shop will be available. The most cookies are so called "session-cookies", they will be deleted automatically at the end of your visit. Other cookies stay at your device stored, until you delete them. Those cookies makes it possible, that you and your browser will be recognized at your next visit of our website.
The enterings for the newsletter will be stored at our server, that we can proof the legal rights. Time of entering, time of confirmation and IP-address will be stored.
The receive of our newsletter can at all time be cancelled at our website, this will delete all stored data too.
Hosting provider and server log files
Our server hosting provider saves automatically informations in so called "server-log files", which your browser automatically sends to us. They are:
Google & Co & Social Networks: Google tracking and analytics is explicit switched off (this is for all search-engines), sharing options are currently not included with us. That means: They can follow you exactly up to our "front door". We recommend that you log off from these data collectors before visiting us.
Right for information, deleting, blocking
You have at any time the right for information about your saved personal data, where they come from and the receiver and also the reason why this data will be processed as also the right to correcting, blocking or deleting of that data's. This, and also if you have further questions, you can do by using the address / email at the imprint page.